If you flashed your image with version 0.12(4) or later, we no longer have a restriction on which dongle to support. We support any Raspberry Pi supported dongles.
Do you even need a dongle?
That depends on a couple of things:
- Which Raspberry Pi do you have?
The Raspberry Pi 3 already comes with a WiFi chip so you don’t need an extra dongle to connect to your WiFi. Older Raspberry Pi boards do need a dongle.
- Do you need a hotspot for setup?
For the easiest experience our software supports the creation of a hotspot for setup when the device doesn’t have network configured or it can’t find one previously configured. For this you need two WiFi Devices. The RPi3 would need an additional dongle and older ones would actually need two.
However there are other options for setup that don’t require the extra dongle. See this: https://astroprint.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000337286-How-do-I-setup-AstroBox-Gateway-without-dongle-hotspot-