Sometimes when troubleshooting a connection problem or other issues it's useful for us to see the logs of your box so it can help us determine what the problem might be. Enabling certain logs and the functionality to send them to us can be found the Advanced Software section of the AstroBox Web UI. Follow these instructions:
- Access the Web UI (http://<ip of your astrobox>). If yo have an AstroBox touch read this first.
- Navigate to Settings / Software / Logs.
From that screen you can do the following things:
- Send Logs to AstroPrint: This is the option to send your current AstroBox logs to us for study. We recommend that you first open a support ticket and then indicate its ID when submitting logs.
- Delete Logs: Sometimes the log files get pretty big, you should clear them when they grow or when you start troubleshooting something so that we get only the logs related to the problem in question.
- Turn on Serial Logs: If you're troubleshooting printer connection issues, please enable this before you send logs to us. Remember to no leave on after the troubleshooting is done because this log grows very quickly and can fill up your disk space.
Recommended sequence to prepare logs:
- Open a support ticket describing the problem.
- Access the Log screen as described above.
- Delete Logs and Turn on Serial Logs if the problem is related to printer connection.
- Make the problem happen so it gets logged
- Go back to the screen and send logs to us indicating the support ticket number