If your AstroBox Gateway doesn't have a extra WiFi dongle or its hotspot is unstable, you still have another option to setup your box. Here's what you need to do:
- Connect an Ethernet cable to your AstroBox.
- Download AstroPrint Desktop.
- Install and launch the App on a computer connected to the same network the AstroBox.
- Click on the "Apps" icon on the top of the app.
- Click on "Printers".
- Wait for your "astrobox-1234" device to be found (the 4 numbers will vary).
- Click on the AstroBox name to show its options.
- Click on "Launch"
This will launch your browser into the setup screen of your AstroBox where you will be able to connect it to your WiFi. Once that it's done, you will be able to disconnect the Ethernet cable. For a walkthrough on how to connect your box to an existing WiFi see this video.